Compassionate Communication (NVC)

Wise Heart

LaShelle Lowe-Chard lives in Portland, Oregon, USA. As a long-time NVC practitioner, trainer and mindfulness-based counsellor her website offers great descriptions of NVC and how the tools help in communication. A good place to go for more ideas and resources.

Meditating Giraffe

Auckland-based NVC trainers Wayne and Deb offer a range of Introductory workshops and more advanced training opportunities. They also host regular “study groups” in their home – a place to experience the ideas of NVC. Check their website for upcoming courses.

Words often are mistaken as feelings

There are many words that are often confused with feelings. These words imply that someone is doing something to you and generally give a sense of wrongness or blame. This sheet shows some examples of these and offers a translation into a feeling or need without the evaluation or judgement attached.

Needs List

An easily printable list of base needs from the work of Marshall Rosenberg (founder of NVC). Use this list to reflect on what you are needing in a situation. Your feelings will be pointing you to one or more of these. Pay attention to them and share what you notice with those in relationship with you.

Feelings List

A one-page printable list of feelings from the work of Marshall Rosenberg (Founder of NVC). Use this to help reflect on what’s going on for you. What do you feel? These feelings are pointing you to needs that are important to you.